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Radiology at China Basin

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(415) 353-4500

UCSF Radiology at China Basin offers a variety of medical imaging tests and treatments. We use state-of-the-art equipment that yields the best possible image quality while minimizing our patients' exposure to radiation.

Services at this location include:

  • CT scan
  • MRI
  • Nuclear medicine
  • PET/CT
  • Imaging services for heart and spine conditions and cancer


The UCSF Imaging Center at China Basin offers validation for patients parking in the underground garage at 920 Third Street.

Parking in the garage costs $6 per 20 minutes and the maximum daily parking fee is $36. The validation covers $16 worth of parking fees, equivalent to 53 minutes of parking. If your appointment is longer, you will pay $6 per 20 minutes up to a maximum of $20.

When you check in at the front desk for your appointment, please ask a staff member to validate your parking ticket.

We also offer valet service, which may be helpful for some patients with disabilities. See the parking garage attendant for valet assistance.

Images and reports

Getting your results

A radiologist will review your images and write a report. When finalized, the report and your images will be available in MyChart, UCSF's secure online portal for patients. You can access this report as soon as this occurs, so you may see it before your referring doctor does. Learn more about receiving test results and medical reports in MyChart. If you have questions about a report, please contact your referring doctor.

To get a CD of your medical images and reports, send a request to the UCSF Imaging Library.

Sending images to UCSF

If you need to send medical images that were taken at another institution to your UCSF radiologist, you can do so through our secure online portal. For instructions, visit How to Send Radiology Images to UCSF.

Doctor referral required

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    Decorative Caduceus

    Fluoroethyltyrosine for the Evaluation of Intracranial Neoplasm

    The maximum TBR (TBRmax) will be calculated by dividing the SUVmean of the 1.6 centimeter (cm) diameter circular region of interest (ROI) by the mean standardized uptake value (SUVmean) of background normal tissue.


    Decorative Caduceus

    Efficacy of Ra-223 in PSMA PET Optimally Selected Patients

    The proportion of patients who achieve a greater than 50% decline from baseline prostate specific antigen (PSA) (PSA50) drawn prior to C1D1, at any point in the treatment course, will be descriptively reported along with 95% binom...


    Decorative Caduceus

    Low PSMA SUV Boost (LPS-Boost): Intensified 177Lu-PSMA-617 Treatment for Patients With Metastat...

    PSA progression is defined as a rise in PSA at > 12 weeks by more than 25% and more than 2ng/mL above the nadir (lowest PSA point).


    Decorative Caduceus

    18F-Fluorocholine Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for the Detection of Parathyroid Adenomas

    Sensitivity of 18F-fluorocholine PET for the detection of abnormal parathyroid adenomas confirmed by pathology as compared to sestamibi imaging. Location of parathyroid adenoma at imaging as read by three blinded readers, will be ...


    Decorative Caduceus

    Ultrasound Neuromodulation in Essential Tremor

    The investigators will screen ultrasound parameters through repeated sonications within the same session (up to 25, depending on patient response) to determine which parameter set is most effective at reducing tremor in each parti...


    Decorative Caduceus

    18FluoroLDOPA PET Imaging for the Detection and Localization of Focal Congenital Hyperinsulinis...

    To determine the sensitivity and specificity of FDOPA PET/CT in differentiating focal and diffuse forms of HI in infants with medically refractory hypoglycemia


    Decorative Caduceus

    Mechanisms of Resistance to PSMA Radioligand Therapy

    The unit density sphere model will be implemented using OLINDA, a second-generation personal computer software for internal dose assessment in nuclear medicine to measure mean dose across all metastatic lesions. This approach uses...


    Decorative Caduceus

    Imaging of Solid Tumors Using FAP-2286

    The frequency and severity of treatment emergent adverse events following FAP-2286 injection will be descriptively reported as classified and graded by National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI ...


    Decorative Caduceus

    Focused Ultrasound to Promote Immune Responses for Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma

    Proportion of participants with device-related adverse events will be determined by evaluating the incidence and severity of any device-related complications from the treatment day visit through the time of surgery or last post-tr...


    Decorative Caduceus

    Comparative Effectiveness of MRgFUS Versus CTgRFA for Osteoid Osteomas

    1 month after treatment, worst VAS score over the last 24 hours will be assessed


    Support services

    Preparing for your appointment

    What to Bring

    • Photo I.D.
    • Health insurance card
    • List of your medications, including dosages
    • List of questions you may have
    • Device or paper for taking notes

    How to send radiology images to UCSF

    Before your appointment, securely upload images for our radiologists to review.

    Accessing your test results in MyChart

    Find out how to access your test results and medical reports.

    Related clinics

    Our research initiatives

    • UCSF-Department-of-Radiology-and-Biomedical-Imaging-Research-2x

      UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research

      The UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging is home to many state-of-the-art research labs, all working to use imaging technologies to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of disease.

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